Enhanced PipelineIO_Menu by Smoluck for Ariel Chai

Extended PipelineIO Menu for Modo 701/801I've made a "tweaked form menu" for the PipelineIO (InOut) from Ariel Chai scipt suite. For more information about that script and that tweaked form you should go to the TF community forum.Thanks Ariel Before installing this form, you should create a new directory "TEMP_OBJ" in order to export you resulting meshes to your C:\TEMP_OBJ\.(if you're on a mac, edit the cfg and define the output directory you want & save it)This enhanced Menu is composed with many combination for exporting your meshes. You will export the mesh named with some suffix related to the way you've exported them. It export files as OBJ or FBX.Final_OBJ_BVSTM.OBJ will got those settings:

  • B_UVBorder (Sets “HardEdges” selection set to selected UVmap borders. (used for vertex normals) Edges in “SoftEdges” selection set wion't be effected.)
  • V_UseVertexNormal (Uses selection set "HardEdges" to split vertex normals, for custom .obj format.)
  • S_SplitHardEdge (Splits “HardEdges” selection set on the geometry.)
  • T_Triangulate (Triangulates mesh - since it randomizes vertex order, exporting cages should be used with the PP tag.)
  • M_MorphmapExplode (Apply Morphmap named “Explode”)



Matching Render in Modo as well as in Sub Painter. "How-to" - First Try = FAIL


A UV Packer that you should take a look into ! God Bless IPackThat