When you have to deal with multiple items in a scene, Color tagging might help a lot.3 solution reminds to you:

  • Color Bar - Cycle:
  • Color Bar - By Type:
  • Color Bar - By Color:


CB - Cycle is the easiest way is to cycle along a set of predefined presets via the Cycle button. The only limitation in this function is that it works on one item at a time.

SMO_COLOR_BAR_ByTypeCB - By type is probably the best balance between available function and UI space.

CB - By Color:

SMO_COLOR_BAR_ByColorSMO_COLOR_BAR_FloatTypeThe "By Color" Bar deliver all the different Drawing Mode through Drop-Down menu (like the one on the left). This is a long  horizontal bar than can fit the top viewport or a schematic workflow.  COLOR_NONE_WFOn both Right and Left side you can have access to Floating Individual menus that are Vertical and Horizontal and that are limited to a specific drawing Mode, that allow customized Drawing presets for Item List, Wireframe , Fill and all 3.

COLOR_DRAW_OFFThis button let you Delete the custom Drawings of items that have a specific viewport display.  


Enjoying Procedural workflow.


SMO COLOR BAR: Cycle function